Juralio for law firms

Better profitability, happier teams and clients

Plan and price more profitably​

Juralio helps you to plan your work and resourcing more effectively. It helps you get ahead of client demands for more predictability. And even where work is genuinely unpredictable, the ability to easily articulate and communicate scope makes for much better client relationships and fewer problems when things change.

Report and adjust more rapidly

The reality of much legal work is that things come up unexpectedly. Spotting the financial impact early allows you to discuss the issue with your client and colleagues to reach an agreement before extra time and effort are spent. This is key to better profitability and cash flow (fewer surprises and disputes).

Learn more deeply

Sharing and building on knowledge is a longstanding, ever-growing challenge for individuals and organisations. Juralio immediately helps you to share knowledge of how to get legal work done effectively. Over time, you can also help individuals and your organisation by capturing much better data for planning, pricing and managing work. Learning from this to make realistic, grounded improvements, captured for repeatable use