The future of legal work is now joined up

Software to help lawyers and clients with budgeting, planning and managing work

Juralio helps you address three major problems

Budget and plan​​

No more spreadsheets or
back-of-envelope guesstimation​​

Report and adjust

See when the ship’s veering off course, and steer it back

Learn what works​​​

Congrats on the awards,
now let’s make it real​

Learn what this means for your

Software people won't
want to work around

Because it makes their lives easier 

Isn’t it time someone fixed
the ‘garbage in’ problem?​

Juralio helps you to create better data for your reporting, analysis, learning and AI needs. It does so by helping your teams express their work and its financial elements in clear, structured ways that help them every day, and which generate better data for your organisation.

Juralio is also one of the leading founders of noslegal, the open legal data standards community. Law firms which have either sponsored noslegal or adopted major elements of it – or both – include: